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Does this sound like you?

Feeling Stuck or Overwhelmed

Many people feel like they're spinning their wheels, unsure of how to move forward in life. The Self-Mastery Quiz identifies your current stage, helping you break free from stagnation.


Lack of Direction:

It's common to feel lost when you're not sure what you're aiming for. Our quiz provides a clear roadmap, pointing you toward your highest self and purpose.

Struggling with Self-Doubt:

Negative beliefs can hold you back from achieving your full potential. The quiz helps you uncover these limiting thoughts, giving you the tools to combat them effectively.

Jason was having the same problems until now...

Negative habits of mind & behavior were holding me back from the life I want. By shedding such clear light onto them, putting a mirror up in front of my face about it, and asking simple but straight-shooter questions such as "Is this what you really want?" This has helped me summon the self-awareness, clarity, and will to overcome numerous bad habits.

• Jason Bern | Los Angeles, California

About Your Coach

Sebastian, the founder of Ignite Self Mastery, is a seasoned coach with a unique blend of expertise. Since 2017, he's been guiding individuals worldwide through transformative journeys. Trained by shamans, healers, and experts in holistic coaching, Sebastian offers more than just theoretical knowledge; he's walked through his own challenges and emerged stronger.

His coaching system is a proven pathway to healing past traumas and making meaningful lifestyle changes. With hundreds of success stories, from increased income to improved relationships, Sebastian's approach is both holistic and highly effective. He's not just a coach; he's a catalyst for change.

If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired...